Sunday, March 28, 2010

Final Project Guidelines

For the final project I expect you to write an 8-10 page paper and give an 18 minute in class presentation about a topic relevant to the class. The project should include some empirical results, namely some numbers and hopefully a graph or two about relevant data for your topic.

The timeline for the project is as follows:
  • Monday April 5: in class lottery to determine the date for each presentations, see the schedule below. We will also determine whether the first evening gathering will be Monday April 19, Monday April 26 or Tuesday April 27. For details see below.
  • Monday April 19: rough draft due
  • Monday April 19-April 28: presentations
  • Wednesday May 5: final draft due
Presentation schedule:

There will be four presentations per class. We are having two evening classes to cover all of the presentations. The second class will be on Wednesday at 7:30 pm, location tba (maybe Irish Lion). The first class will either be Monday April 19, Monday April 26 or Tuesday April 27. We will determine the time based upon an inclass vote on Monday April 5th.


We will have a lottery on Monday April 5th to determine who presents when. We will do this by everyone drawing a card form a standard 52 card deck. The priority of who chooses first will by number, Ace high, and then by suit: Diamond>Heart>Spade>Club. If you do not make class on Monday April 5, you will be forced to choose from what was left over.

Class Attendance:

Attending class is mandatory during the presentations. I will be taking attendance and this will be 5% of the 20% class attendance grade. In order to avoid a penalty for not attending you will have to clear it with me before Monday April 19th.

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